Tuesday, June 25, 2013


So, a quick note on my family: we are many. 

I come from a family of five kids. And my siblings are four of the best friends I could ever hope for. We're all geeks who read geeky books, watch geeks shows, play geeky games. We all (yes, all five) love to run, and all adore Nathan Fillion...perhaps a little too much. 

And they all happily support my t-rex obsession. They are perhaps not as enthusiastic about my obsession with unicorns, but hey -- not everyone understands their brilliant majesty and grace. 

But enough about unicorns. 

I'm here to talk about one brother in particular. I call him Brother the Third. He is the baby of the bunch, but not so much a baby anymore. He's gonna be a doctor, which makes him super smart (although, I suppose he's super smart and that's gonna make him a doctor). However, before he takes up the scalpel, he's taken to trees. ...planting, that is. This summer he took the train west to plant trees in the mountains. He's pretty much fixing up our planet before he spends the rest of his life fixing up people. 

What a legend. 

AND to makes things even cooler, this cool guy is taking photos of tree planters all summer AND BROTHER THE THIRD IS ONE OF THEM. He looks like such a little bad ass. 

Yep, that's my brother. The coolest. (photo by Luc Forsyth, photographer/writer)

ABP. Always Be Planting. Check out Luc Forsyth's blog to understand what it means. I will personally be following this story all summer, not only for a little glimpse at my awesome brother, but also to understand what an amazing job this group of brilliant, tireless individuals does for the environment (and yes, for the money...take a quick look at the photos, they deserve every penny), tucked up in those beautiful Rockies. 

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